Phone (713) 526-3279
St. Anne Catholic School nurtures students academically, spiritually, culturally, physically, and interpersonally in a Catholic environment.
“Teach me Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge” is more than a motto; it is a commitment.
Experience St. Anne in action! Sign up today for a school tour.
46% teachers have advanced degrees
90 years of academic excellence in a Catholic environment
500 students in PK3-8
100% grads accepted to 1st choice high school
1:1 Chromebook Program, 5th-8th grades
Zip codes represented by current students
St. Anne students speak over 10 languages
STREAM program & dedicated Makerspace
Average size of 1st-8th grades
Over 3,000 service hours completed by Junior High students
6 competitive sports teams
14 district titles
“Attending St. Anne was God’s will. The community was a perfect fit for her and for our family. I have really never experienced a warmer and more welcoming school community. We have both made lifetime friends from St. Anne.”
- Former St. Anne Parent-
“St. Anne successfully combines academics with respect, service to others, and the lasting values of our Catholic faith. With a nurturing faculty and welcoming community, we know it is the right choice for our family.“
- Michael, Debbie & Andrew Smith
- Smith Family, St. Anne Parent -
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